Basic Programming Course
Set yourself up for success with our Basic Programming Course
Start date: October 1st 2024 (Every Tuesday)
Duration: 15 weeks
Time: 06:00 PM tot 08:00 PM
One payment: 1250,- ANG
4 monthly payment of: 350,- ANG
Course Curriculum
Welcome to the Basic Programming Course! In this 15-week course, you will learn the basics of the important languages to start your coding journey: HTML, CSS, Javascript and Python. You will also learn fundamentals of frameworks like React JS, Next JS and Django.
The course will meet once a week for two hours each session. In each session, you will learn a new concept or skill and complete hands-on exercises to practice and apply what you have learned.
Here is an overview of what you will learn in each section:
Week 1: HTML
Introduction to HTML
Creating and structuring web pages with HTML elements and attributes
Week 2: CSS
Introduction to CSS
Adding style and layout to web pages with CSS properties and selectors
Week 3: HTML and CSS in Practice
Building a basic web page using HTML and CSS
Week 4 & 5: Python Basics
Introduction to Python, basic Python data types and control structures.
Week 6: Django Basics
Learn the fundamentals of Django, a powerful Python web framework.
Week 7: Django App Setup
Learn how to set up a Django app and get started with building web applications.
Week 8: Javascript Basics
Ā Learn the basics of JavaScript.
Week 9: Implementing
Implementing what you learned.
Week 10 until 15: Final Project
Put your skills to the test with a final project of your own design. Work individually or in teams to create a web page or Python program. Publish your project online for everyone to see.
We are excited to have you join us on this journey to coding!
Patrick Millerson
Patrick Millerson is an experienced programming teacher with over 12 years of industry experience. He has a passion for sharing his knowledge and helping students become proficient developers.
Start date: October 1st 2024 (Every Tuesday)
Duration: 15 weeks
Time: 06:00 PM tot 08:00 PM
Language: Papiamentu
Location: SnelleWeb te Roosevelt Center CuraƧao
I you have any questions send a Whatsapp message toĀ +5999 8462272
One payment: 1250,- ANG
4 monthly payment of: 350,- ANG